July 4, 2024
Liam Payne dramatically rushed to hospital for emergency treatment

Liam Payne dramatically rushed to hospital for emergency treatment

Doctors are investigating the recurring problem, which led to him cancelling a tour last month.

The ex-One Direction star was celebrating his one-year ­anniversary with Kate when he fell ill at their property beside the lake.

He was rushed to A&E in an ambulance before being checked into a hospital ward for emergency treatment, where he is set to stay for several days.

The latest scare comes just weeks after he told fans he had been in hospital with a serious kidney infection, forcing him to cancel his first solo tour.

A source said: “Liam is in a bad way but he’s in the best place he can be and finally doctors will be able to get to the bottom of what is going on.

“Naturally he is gutted that his and Kate’s trip to Lake Como has been ruined but at least she was there to help him when he fell ill.

“Doctors have warned him not to expect to be signed off to go home for at least another six days.

“They want to do every test possible to understand the issue fully but they now suspect that there has been an underlying issue for a while that has been getting worse.”

Liam, pictured with Kate in Italy the day before he was rushed to hospital, revealed earlier this year how he was almost six months sober after boozing heavily in One Direction.

He has spent the majority of the year working on his second album.

But last month he was forced to postpone a tour of South America just days before he was due to take the stage.

In a video to fans he said: “Over the past week I’ve been in hospital with a serious kidney infection, it’s something I wouldn’t wish on anyone, and doctors’ orders are that I now need to rest and recover.

“I was beyond excited to come play for you guys.

“To all of you who have bought tickets: I’m so sorry.”

Liam, who has a son, Bear, with his ex Cheryl, also revealed this year that he spent 100 days in a rehab facility in Louisiana.

He told how he would often empty mini-bars on world tours with One Direction before their split in 2015.

But he said he now had “more of a grip on life”.

Liam Payne dramatically rushed to hospital for emergency treatment

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