July 4, 2024
National grid collapses again

Nationwide blackout as Nigeria’s electricity grid collapses again

Date: September 14, 2023

Nigeria – In a major blow to the nation, Nigeria’s power grid collapsed today, leaving millions of people across the country without electricity. The incident occurred in the early hours of the morning, sparking concerns about the reliability and stability of the country’s power infrastructure.

The collapse of the power grid has led to widespread power outages in cities, towns, and rural areas throughout Nigeria. Hospitals, businesses, schools, and homes have been affected, and citizens are grappling with the sudden disruption to their daily lives.

Nationwide blackout as Nigeria’s electricity grid collapses again

Officials from the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), which manages the national power grid, have confirmed the incident but have not provided specific details regarding the cause of the collapse. Experts are already on the ground working to assess the extent of the damage and determine when electricity might be restored.

Nigeria has faced persistent challenges with its power supply in recent years, including insufficient generation capacity, inadequate maintenance of infrastructure, and issues related to distribution. The country has struggled to meet the growing demand for electricity, leading to frequent blackouts and an overreliance on generators and other alternative power sources.

The collapse of the power grid is expected to have far-reaching consequences for Nigeria’s economy, which heavily relies on a stable and consistent power supply for various industries, including manufacturing, telecommunications, and services. It is also a significant setback for the government’s efforts to attract foreign investment and stimulate economic growth.

Citizens have expressed frustration over the ongoing power problems, calling for urgent and long-term solutions to address the country’s energy challenges. Many have taken to social media to voice their concerns and demand accountability from government officials and utility providers.

As the situation unfolds, authorities are under pressure to restore electricity as quickly as possible and to implement measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. The collapse of Nigeria’s power grid highlights the urgent need for comprehensive reforms and investments in the country’s energy sector to ensure a reliable and sustainable power supply for its citizens.

Nigeria has again been thrown into darkness after the national grid system, operated by the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) from Osogbo in Osun State collapsed.

The grid went down at 00:41am on Thursday, September 14, with 273 megawatts of electricity coming from two out of the over 27 electricity generation.

As of 4 a.m. today, only five generating plants were on the grid. Afam VI had 0.70MW, Dadinkowa was generating 0.00MW, Ibom Power had 32.90MW, Jebba had 240MW and Olorunsogo was on the grid with zero generation.

At about 1 a.m. today, the total power on the grid was 35MW, indicating that the country experienced a total collapse.

The grid went to 193MW at about 3 a.m. before climbing to 273MW.

The TCN is yet to make an official statement on this.

We will continue to provide updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.

Nationwide blackout as Nigeria’s electricity grid collapses again

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