July 6, 2024

Donald Trump Jr. Twitter Hacked

Donald Trump Jr. might wanna get Elon Musk on the horn — cuz he just got his X (formerly Twitter) account hacked — sending out tweets about Biden, North Korea and the false news his father died.Donald Trump Jr. Twitter Hacked

Trump Jr.'s account came under attack Wednesday morning, users on the social media app became alarmed when the account wrote, "I'm sad to announce, my father Donald Trump has passed away. I will be running for president in 2024."

Of course, there were almost immediately skeptics, as the message itself seemed off ... but the next string of tweets really proved there was a hack.

The account wrote, "This just in: North Korea is about to get smoked" as well as "Some interesting messages with Jeffrey Epstein" and "F*** Joe Biden Stupid Ass N****."

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