July 4, 2024
Wife who stabbed husband through heart is found guilty

Wife who stabbed husband through heart is found guilty

A HAIRDRESSER who murdered her husband of 34 years by plunging a kitchen knife into his heart shrieked as she was found guilty of murder.

Teresa Hanson, 54, was making a Mediterranean tart for a post-Christmas dinner when she fatally wounded husband Paul Hanson, 54, at their West Cowick home in East Yorks.

Hanson deliberately thrust the knife into his chest before continuing to caramelise onions with the same bloodied blade last December, jurors concluded.

The grandmother lashed out after Mr Hanson shouted at her: “I didn’t f***king want tea.

“Chuck it in the f***ing bin.”

Hanson, who had denied murder, claimed she went to push her husband away after he became angry and forgot she was holding a knife.

She claimed she only realised her husband had been fatally stabbed when she heard their dog bark.

“I then turned around and saw a blood trail on the floor”, she told Hull Crown Court.

In a 999 call made shortly after 7pm on December 28, Hanson told an operator she had stabbed Mr Hanson “just out of anger”.

Mr Hanson, a construction manager, described in court as a “loving father” who “adored his grandchildren”, was pronounced dead upon arrival at Hull Royal Infirmary hospital.

Jurors were earlier shown pictures of the 2cm-wide blade, pictured near to a black pan where onions were being cooked, with a roll of filo pastry and glass of red wine nearby.

Hanson told the court that her husband had consumed three or four glasses of red wine and the couple had been watching films and dancing earlier in the day.

After her arrest, mum-of-two Hanson, a mobile hairdresser, claimed her husband had accidentally walked on to the outstretched knife.

Wife who stabbed husband through heart is found guilty

Dismissing Hanson’s account as a “lie”, Alistair MacDonald, KC, prosecuting had earlier told jurors: “Injuries like that simply don’t happen”.

Judge John Thackray, KC, told her: “You have been convicted of murder and as you know there is only one sentence which is life imprisonment.”

Wife who stabbed husband through heart is found guilty

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