July 6, 2024
Meet world’s richest cat Nala worth £80MILLION who makes £12k per post on Instagram

Meet world’s richest cat Nala worth £80MILLION who makes £12k per post on Instagram

Nala, now thriving financially, originates from modest origins, commencing her journey in an animal shelter.

Reflecting on her journey, her owner expressed a commitment to fostering a supportive community where individuals can exchange ideas and provide mutual encouragement.

Discussing Nala’s brand identity and the extent of her wealth, the owner admitted to still grappling with a sense of disbelief. She elaborated, expressing, “Even today, I find it hard to fathom.

Meet world’s richest cat Nala worth £80MILLION who makes £12k per post on Instagram

I never envisioned being in this position, let alone conversing with individuals on television in the UK. I am immensely grateful for every twist and turn, believing that each occurrence unfolded for a purpose.”

Nala’s impact transcends financial success; she played a pivotal role in her owner’s pursuit of aspirations and even led her to love.

Recalling the serendipitous encounter, the owner recounted, “My partner and I crossed paths through Instagram during the inception of Nala’s account when I began purchasing bow ties.

That’s how I connected with Shannon. At the time, she had embraced the responsibility of caring for her two young nieces, prompting her departure from her full-time job.

To support her endeavors, she began crafting cat bow ties, which she sold on Etsy. I approached her with a proposal to purchase 50 bow ties for wholesale distribution, thus initiating our acquaintance.”

Harnessing Nala’s platform, the owner champions causes close to her heart, particularly animal welfare, and endeavors to raise funds for animal-centric charities.

She emphasized, “When Nala selected me at the shelter, it felt like she was signaling a desire for us to extend our assistance to other shelter animals.

Pookie, Nala’s devoted owner, instantly fell head over heels for her at the Los Angeles rescue center.

The endearing feline isn’t just immensely affluent; she’s also a renowned celebrity with a dedicated following of over four million Instagram admirers.

With an impressive 7,000 Instagram posts under her belt, when considering her staggering fortune of £80 million, that equates to an average of £12,000 per post.

During an appearance on This Morning, Pookie, whose real name is Varisiri Mathachittiphan, shared the story of how she began documenting their escapades on Instagram back in 2012.

She remarked, “I believe she was among the very first cats on the internet to assume her own persona, almost as if she’s conversing directly with her audience. I think that’s one of the reasons why people were drawn to it; it really brought out her personality, and of course, she’s just irresistibly adorable.”

The Siamese/tabby mix has not only inspired her own line of cat food but has also launched a merchandise empire, amassing an astonishing £84 million for her owner.

Nala has clinched the Guinness World Record for being the most followed cat on Instagram and even secured the title of TikToker of the year, surpassing the achievements of four human contenders.

When queried about the level of effort invested in managing Nala’s social media accounts, Pookie revealed, “It’s been my primary occupation ever since I embarked on this journey, and I believe that’s one of the key factors contributing to its continued growth.”

Meet world’s richest cat Nala worth £80MILLION who makes £12k per post on Instagram

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