July 4, 2024
Footage Reveals Boeing 737 Engine Cover Detachment Mid-Takeoff

Footage Reveals Boeing 737 Engine Cover Detachment Mid-Takeoff

A Southwest Airlines flight bound from Denver to Houston encountered a heart-stopping moment during its Sunday morning departure when passengers observed a section of the plane’s engine cover beginning to tear away as the aircraft ascended.

The alarming incident, captured on video, depicts the engine cowling, which encases the massive turbine, appearing to loosen and flap wildly as the plane accelerated down the runway.

Initially, the precarious situation didn’t impede the jet’s momentum, but as the engine cover continued to disintegrate, the pilots executed a gradual deceleration, ultimately bringing the aircraft to a stop with a significant portion of the turbine exposed.

Fortunately, all passengers disembarked safely and were promptly accommodated on another flight, eventually arriving in Houston approximately three hours later than scheduled.

Southwest Airlines has launched an investigation into the mechanical malfunction, marking yet another setback for Boeing, which has been grappling with a series of mechanical mishaps in recent times.

Just last month, a United Airlines Boeing 777 experienced a tire blowout upon takeoff, resulting in damage to several vehicles below.

Additionally, in a separate incident, a door of another aircraft blew out mid-flight, compelling a Boeing 737 Max 9 to make an emergency landing in Portland.

While the situation ultimately concluded without harm, the string of mechanical issues plaguing Boeing’s fleet may prompt some travelers to reconsider their upcoming travel plans.

Footage Reveals Boeing 737 Engine Cover Detachment Mid-Takeoff

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