July 4, 2024
Grandson Sentenced to Jail for Coercing Grandparents into Surrendering £340k of life Savings

Grandson Sentenced to Jail for Coercing Grandparents into Surrendering £340k of Life Savings

Daniel Tilden, aged 31, has been incarcerated after a disturbing case where he preyed upon his vulnerable grandparents, compelling them to surrender their life savings totaling £384,000 over a decade-long period.

His actions, characterized by deception and intimidation, left his grandparents feeling helpless and fearful.

Tilden’s sentencing on Wednesday, April 24, at Swindon Crown Court in the UK, resulted in a three-year and nine-month prison term. Additionally, he was fined by the court and ordered not to contact his grandparents for the next decade.

The manipulative tactics employed by Tilden began in 2013 when he started frequenting his grandparents’ residence under false pretenses, fabricating stories to coerce them into relinquishing their finances.

He claimed the money was needed for various reasons, including purchasing a new car, covering medical prescriptions, and even falsely alleging it was for private cancer treatment.

At one distressing juncture, Tilden accompanied his vulnerable 81-year-old grandfather to a bank, where substantial sums were withdrawn on multiple occasions.

Subsequently, when this avenue was obstructed by the bank, he resorted to pressuring his grandfather into obtaining cash back at local supermarkets and orchestrating meetings at cashpoints for further withdrawals.

Tilden’s illicit activities came to a halt when he was apprehended in November of the preceding year. Despite being released on bail, he repeatedly breached conditions prohibiting him from contacting his grandparents, leading to his subsequent re-arrest.

He faced charges under section 76 of the Serious Crime Act for controlling or coercive behavior in a family relationship, reflecting the extent of his manipulation and exploitation.

In a poignant victim impact statement, the grandfather conveyed his profound fear of resisting Tilden’s demands, likening his home life to being besieged by relentless visits and coercion.”

Grandson Sentenced to Jail for Coercing Grandparents into Surrendering £340k of Life Savings

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