July 4, 2024
Khloe Kardashian Struggled with Decision to Pick Up Her Newborn Baby Boy

Khloe Kardashian Struggled with Decision to Pick Up Her Newborn Baby Boy

Khloe Kardashian Opens Up About Emotional Struggle During Son’s Surrogacy Birth

In a candid discussion on the SHE MD Podcast, Khloe Kardashian shared her inner turmoil surrounding the birth of her newborn son, Tatum, who was delivered via surrogacy.

Joined by OBGYN Dr. Thais Aliabadi and women’s advocate influencer Mary Alice, Khloe delved into the complex emotions she experienced throughout the pregnancy journey.

Reflecting on the unique circumstances of using a surrogate, Khloe revealed her difficulty in forming a connection with the pregnancy.

When the unexpected news arrived that Tatum was about to be born, Khloe found herself torn, especially as she had plans for a pre-scheduled Disney trip with her daughter, True. This sudden shift left her feeling unprepared and hesitant to embrace the reality of welcoming her son.

Khloe expressed her gratitude for her doctor’s understanding and support during this challenging moment.

Dr. Aliabadi offered a compassionate solution, offering to care for Tatum until Khloe felt ready to take him home.

Despite initially considering this option, Khloe ultimately decided to confront her feelings head-on and picked up her son.

Even after bringing him home, Khloe acknowledged the lingering difficulty in forming a bond with Tatum, attributing it to the surrogacy process.

By sharing her vulnerability, Khloe provides a rare glimpse into the emotional complexities involved in surrogacy, shedding light on a topic often kept private, even within her high-profile family circle.

Khloe Kardashian Struggled with Decision to Pick Up Her Newborn Baby Boy

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