July 4, 2024
Tyrese's Former Wife Pursues Restraining Order Amid Defamation Allegations

Tyrese’s Former Wife Pursues Restraining Order Amid Defamation Allegations

Tyrese Gibson’s Ex-Wife Seeks Temporary Restraining Order Over Defamation Claims, Files Lawsuit.

Norma Mitchell, the former wife of actor Tyrese Gibson, has escalated their legal battle by petitioning the court for a temporary restraining order (TRO), citing defamation claims as the basis for her plea.

In her legal documents, Norma contends that Tyrese’s recent social media posts constitute harassment and is urging the court to compel him to remove them.

She also seeks an injunction to prevent him from discussing their private matters online and requests financial coverage for therapy sessions related to the ongoing dispute.

As of now, the court has yet to rule on Norma’s TRO request. Simultaneously, Tyrese finds himself embroiled in a lawsuit filed by his ex-wife in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Norma alleges that Tyrese defamed her and disclosed sensitive information about their teenage daughter, Shayla, through a series of Instagram posts spanning from April 30 to May 7.

The legal strife appears to stem from a disagreement between the former spouses regarding their daughter’s school tuition.

Norma asserts that Tyrese resorted to airing their dispute publicly on Instagram, accusing her of various criminal activities and unleashing a barrage of derogatory and defamatory remarks.

The lawsuit specifically calls out Tyrese for sharing court documents and personal details about Shayla and Norma on social media, in violation of their privacy.

According to Norma’s lawsuit, Tyrese knowingly disregarded legal constraints on disclosing such information, as evidenced by his Instagram captions urging followers to access the court documents and asserting his determination to defend his reputation and family. Norma seeks immediate removal of the contentious posts and relief from the ongoing defamation.

This legal entanglement adds to Tyrese’s existing legal troubles, including an ongoing divorce from his second ex-wife, Samantha Lee, and a previous lawsuit alleging property damage to a rental property in Woodland Hills.

Despite the mounting challenges, Tyrese remains steadfast in his defense, asserting his commitment to safeguarding his name, legacy, and family.

Tyrese’s Former Wife Pursues Restraining Order Amid Defamation Allegations

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