July 6, 2024
Dana White's Viral FedEx Delivery Video Results in Driver's Termination

Dana White’s Viral FedEx Delivery Video Results in Driver’s Termination

After a viral video captured a FedEx delivery driver recklessly tossing numerous packages into his truck, the delivery giant has taken swift action by terminating the employee.

The incident unfolded when UFC President Dana White, being chauffeured through New York City, witnessed the delivery man casually hurling packages as if he were making basketball shots.

In a candid moment caught on camera, White remarked, “FedEx. We’ll get your shit there, but we’ll f*** it up. My boy don’t give a f***.” While some found the video amusing, FedEx did not share the sentiment.

Expressing their disapproval, FedEx stated, “The behavior depicted in the video is unacceptable and inconsistent with the professionalism FedEx demonstrates every day.” Consequently, the company confirmed that the driver involved is no longer employed by FedEx.

Though the termination is regrettable, FedEx’s decision is understandable given the widespread attention the video garnered.

With Dana White boasting over 9 million followers on Instagram alone, the footage quickly went viral across social media platforms.

Such negative publicity runs contrary to FedEx’s commitment to delivering packages with care and precision.

In the end, Dana White’s vigilance in capturing and sharing the incident has prompted action and likely saved numerous packages from potential mishandling. As a result, New York City residents can rest assured knowing their deliveries are in safer hands.

Dana White’s Viral FedEx Delivery Video Results in Driver’s Termination

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