July 4, 2024
Fiona Harvey Demands $1 Million from Piers Morgan Over 'Baby Reindeer' Interview

Fiona Harvey Demands $1 Million from Piers Morgan Over ‘Baby Reindeer’ Interview

Fiona Harvey is aiming for a substantial payout from Piers Morgan, following what she claims was a paltry compensation for her now-infamous “Baby Reindeer” interview.

The real-life figure behind the Netflix sensation expressed her dissatisfaction to Daily Record, revealing she received a mere $313 for the widely viewed sit-down.

In response, she’s demanding a seven-figure sum, stating, “I asked if that was what they paid everyone, and if so, I wanted to see documentation to that effect.

That documentation has not been forthcoming. I have not signed a contract for the interview, and I will be seeking far more than a piddling £250.

” Fiona didn’t mince words, criticizing Piers for what she perceives as a disingenuous portrayal of empathy during the interview. She asserted, “He didn’t even say goodbye and only got the photograph taken with me because he needed it for the publicity.”

With plans to formally demand £1 million (approximately $1.25 million) from Piers and others involved, Fiona hinted at potential legal action against Netflix and Dick, presumably referring to Richard Gadd.

Her character, Martha, depicted as a troubled admirer in “Baby Reindeer,” has sparked controversy, with Fiona attempting to set the record straight during her interview with Piers.

Despite Piers’ subsequent allegations of dishonesty on Fiona’s part, she seems undeterred, leveraging her newfound fame with an upcoming club appearance at Coventry’s Kasbah Nightclub, where lucky attendees might even get a chance to “hang her curtains.”

Fiona Harvey Demands $1 Million from Piers Morgan Over ‘Baby Reindeer’ Interview

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