July 6, 2024
Diddy Legally Could Not Say Cassie's Name in Video Apology

Diddy Legally Could Not Say Cassie’s Name in Video Apology

There are numerous reasons people are criticizing Diddy over his video apology—especially given the recent public outrage over his actions towards Cassie—but there’s a legal reason he didn’t mention her name in his mea culpa.

Diddy and Cassie reached a settlement just one day after she filed a sexual assault lawsuit against him in November.

Sources familiar with the agreement say it includes a strict non-disclosure agreement (NDA), preventing both parties from speaking about each other publicly.

Since the release of the 2016 video showing Diddy beating someone, Cassie has notably refrained from publicly criticizing him, which aligns with the terms of their NDA.

Diddy’s attorneys meticulously reviewed his video apology before it was posted for two key reasons. First, they ensured it complied with the NDA, meaning Diddy couldn’t mention Cassie by name, even though he reportedly wanted to.

Secondly, Cassie’s case is just one part of Diddy’s legal troubles. Despite settling her lawsuit, he still faces three other lawsuits with similar allegations, including human and sex trafficking.

Due to the ongoing litigation, Diddy’s legal team is cautious about any public statements he makes, as his words could potentially be used against him in court.

Consequently, while the lawyers permitted him to record the apology video, it was done under their strict guidance.

Diddy Legally Could Not Say Cassie’s Name in Video Apology

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