July 6, 2024
Outrage Erupts as Officer Fatally Shoots Blind and Deaf Dog Without Justification

Outrage Erupts as Officer Fatally Shoots Blind and Deaf Dog Without Justification

A police officer in Missouri fatally shot a blind and deaf dog this week, sparking outrage and disbelief in the community. The Sturgeon Police Department claimed the officer feared contracting rabies, but many residents are calling this justification into question.

The dog, Teddy, a five-year-old, 13-pound Shih Tzu mix, escaped from his yard and was killed shortly after. Teddy’s owner, Nick Hunter, had given the dog some water and called the police for assistance.

According to The Washington Post, the officer, identified as Myron Woodson, shot Teddy twice within minutes of arriving on the scene.

Body cam footage shows Teddy running around a field, initially moving away from the officer before turning back and approaching him, seemingly without aggression.

Officer Woodson made a brief attempt to catch the dog with a pole before resorting to his firearm and firing the lethal shots.

Nick Hunter, who adopted Teddy as a puppy, described him as having a loving personality and never posing a threat.

He believes Teddy and his other dog, Gizmo, escaped their outdoor kennel by digging under the fence while he was out to dinner.

Hunter recounted that the officer told him he suspected Teddy was an injured stray and decided to euthanize him.

However, the city later stated that Officer Woodson shot Teddy out of fear of rabies, and the department has since cleared him of any wrongdoing.

The incident has led to significant backlash, with an online petition demanding Officer Woodson’s dismissal already garnering several thousand signatures.

Additionally, many community members plan to attend the upcoming city aldermen meeting to express their discontent and seek justice for Teddy.

Outrage Erupts as Officer Fatally Shoots Blind and Deaf Dog Without Justification

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