July 6, 2024
Non-Enrolment of Children in School Now a Criminal Offense - Abia Governor Alex Otti Announces to Parents

Non-Enrolment of Children in School Now a Criminal Offense – Abia Governor Alex Otti Announces to Parents

Abia State Governor, Alex Otti, has made it a criminal offense for parents to fail to enroll their children in school.

This announcement was made at the Umuahia Township Stadium during the 2024 Children’s Day celebration.

Governor Otti stated that this new policy would be reinforced by legislation from the Abia State House of Assembly, which will outline specific penalties for non-compliance.

“From now on, it is an offense for any child of school age not to be sent to school,” Otti declared. “We will back this up with legislation that will prescribe penalties for any parent who refuses to ensure their child receives an education.”

To support families facing financial difficulties, the governor announced the creation of scholarships to guarantee that every child of school age can attend school. He promised that no child in the state would be marginalized or mistreated.

In addition to these measures, Governor Otti abolished the payment of special book levies for students at the school for the blind in Afaraukwu and donated a bus to the institution.

He also extended an apology to the children of Abia for the previous administrations’ failures, which included unpaid teacher salaries and neglected school environments.

Non-Enrolment of Children in School Now a Criminal Offense – Abia Governor Alex Otti Announces to Parents

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