July 4, 2024
Mexican Mayoral Candidate Assassinated in Point-Blank Shooting

Mexican Mayoral Candidate Assassinated in Point-Blank Shooting

A Mexican mayoral candidate was assassinated at point-blank range in a shocking incident that was captured on camera. The killer was also gunned down shortly after the attack.

Warning: the following details are extremely graphic. Alfredo Cabrera, the candidate, was smiling and greeting supporters during his final campaign rally in Coyuca de Benitez, Guerrero, on Wednesday when he was brutally shot.

The entire event was being filmed. Although the shooter is not fully visible in the video, a gun can be seen pointed at the back of Cabrera’s head as he is about to address 300 supporters.

The gun is fired, and the video becomes blurry as multiple gunshots ring out, followed by the panicked screams of terrified supporters.

Later footage reveals Cabrera’s lifeless body on the ground at the deserted rally site, alongside the body of the assailant.

Governor Evelyn Salgado of Guerrero condemned the crime, describing it as cowardly. In her statement, she urged the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Guerrero to conduct a thorough investigation and ensure that the full weight of the law is applied to the gunman and anyone else involved in the crime.

Cabrera’s assassination adds to a grim tally of murdered candidates, primarily those running for mayor or town council positions, in Mexico’s 2024 election cycle.

With this incident, the number of slain candidates has reached 36, marking the bloodiest election in the country’s history.

Just a day before Cabrera’s death, a mayoral candidate in Morelos was killed, and another contender in Jalisco was seriously injured in a separate shooting.

Mexican Mayoral Candidate Assassinated in Point-Blank Shooting

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