July 4, 2024
A Turkish plastic surgeon has gone viral for his astonishing facial transformations and dramatic before-and-after photos. However, social media users are skeptical about the authenticity of his work, with many suggesting the images are photoshopped or that the surgeon is showing two entirely different people. Esteemed Istanbul, a Turkey-based clinic specializing in facial plastic surgeries, dental treatments, and dermatological and cosmetic products, is at the center of this online buzz. The surgeon posts the remarkable before-and-after images on his Instagram page, showcasing what he claims are the results of his procedures. The striking transformations have led to widespread disbelief among social media users. Some accuse the surgeon of heavily editing his photos, while others speculate that he might be using different models for the before-and-after shots. Despite the skepticism, many users are captivated by the results, likening the surgeon's work to 'sorcery' and 'witchcraft.' Commenters are finding it difficult to determine if the transformations are real, with some even questioning their own perceptions of reality. One commenter humorously suggested that the images were so convincing that they began to wonder if legendary rapper Tupac might still be alive. Another popular theory was that the patients had undergone head transplants, reflecting the dramatic nature of the transformations. The online conversation also touched on the practical implications of such drastic changes. Some users joked about the potential complications of traveling after such surgery, imagining scenarios where the new looks could cause issues at airport security. Others speculated about the potential uses of such skills in witness protection programs or for individuals looking to disappear, Hollywood-style. Amidst the humor and skepticism, there are those genuinely interested in undergoing such life-altering procedures. The idea of acquiring an entirely new face seems to be an appealing, albeit extreme, option for some. Meanwhile, other commenters raised concerns about the implications for online deception, noting that advanced cosmetic surgery could make it nearly impossible to discern someone's true appearance, thus taking catfishing to a whole new level.

Turkish Plastic Surgeon Goes Viral as Social Media Viewers Doubt Reality of His Dramatic Transformations

A Turkish plastic surgeon has gone viral for his astonishing facial transformations and dramatic before-and-after photos.

However, social media users are skeptical about the authenticity of his work, with many suggesting the images are photoshopped or that the surgeon is showing two entirely different people.

Esteemed Istanbul, a Turkey-based clinic specializing in facial plastic surgeries, dental treatments, and dermatological and cosmetic products, is at the center of this online buzz.

The surgeon posts the remarkable before-and-after images on his Instagram page, showcasing what he claims are the results of his procedures.

The striking transformations have led to widespread disbelief among social media users. Some accuse the surgeon of heavily editing his photos, while others speculate that he might be using different models for the before-and-after shots.

Despite the skepticism, many users are captivated by the results, likening the surgeon’s work to ‘sorcery’ and ‘witchcraft.’

Commenters are finding it difficult to determine if the transformations are real, with some even questioning their own perceptions of reality.

One commenter humorously suggested that the images were so convincing that they began to wonder if legendary rapper Tupac might still be alive.

Another popular theory was that the patients had undergone head transplants, reflecting the dramatic nature of the transformations.

The online conversation also touched on the practical implications of such drastic changes. Some users joked about the potential complications of traveling after such surgery, imagining scenarios where the new looks could cause issues at airport security.

Others speculated about the potential uses of such skills in witness protection programs or for individuals looking to disappear, Hollywood-style.

Amidst the humor and skepticism, there are those genuinely interested in undergoing such life-altering procedures. The idea of acquiring an entirely new face seems to be an appealing, albeit extreme, option for some.

Meanwhile, other commenters raised concerns about the implications for online deception, noting that advanced cosmetic surgery could make it nearly impossible to discern someone’s true appearance, thus taking catfishing to a whole new level.

Turkish Plastic Surgeon Goes Viral as Social Media Viewers Doubt Reality of His Dramatic Transformations

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