July 4, 2024
Heavy Police Presence in London as Tommy Robinson Leads Far-Right March

Heavy Police Presence in London as Tommy Robinson Leads Far-Right March

Supporters of Tommy Robinson gathered in central London today to protest and demand the resignation of Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, accused Rowley of overseeing a “two-tier policing” system. The far-right activist asserted that the protest was also meant to “celebrate our culture and values.”

During the demonstration, Robinson led a march holding a banner featuring the face of London Mayor Sadiq Khan and the slogan: “This is London, not Londonistan.”

Addressing the crowd, Robinson shared video messages from other far-right activists, some of whom promoted Islamophobic conspiracy theories. Scotland Yard noted that several of the protesters had previously been involved in violent incidents.

To manage the protests, thousands of police officers were deployed across the capital, including up to 400 officers brought in from other regions.

In response to Robinson’s march, a counter-protest was organized by Stand Up To Racism and took place in Whitehall from midday. The group issued a statement declaring their intention to “stand together against attempts to divide us.”

Heavy Police Presence in London as Tommy Robinson Leads Far-Right March

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