June 29, 2024

Middle School Coach Accused of Choking Student Using Shirt

A middle school coach in Michigan has been dismissed from his job and is now facing criminal charges after allegedly using a shirt to choke a student in a school hallway. The incident, reportedly captured on surveillance video, occurred at Ypsilanti Middle School.

The footage allegedly shows the coach, an adult male whose identity remains undisclosed, approaching a teenage student from behind as the student walked down a hallway.

The coach then wraps a rolled-up shirt around the student‘s neck and pulls back, leading to a struggle as the shirt tightens.

Eventually, the student manages to break free, and the coach releases him. The student then walks away from the scene.

The local prosecutor’s office has confirmed that the coach is facing charges of assault with intent to do great bodily harm by strangulation, as well as assault and battery. These charges were communicated to ABC News.

Middle School Coach Accused of Choking Student Using Shirt

According to the student’s parents, the incident began when the coach instructed the boy to perform push-ups as punishment for allegedly goofing off in the hallway.

The student, citing an injured hand, refused to comply. The parents claim this refusal led the coach to physically confront their son.

The school district has since confirmed that the coach has been terminated from his position and is banned from the campus and all school-related events. The incident occurred earlier this month, prompting swift action from the school administration.

Middle School Coach Accused of Choking Student Using Shirt

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