July 4, 2024
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Split Amid Her 'Love Addiction' Struggles

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Split Amid Her ‘Love Addiction’ Struggles

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck appear to be on the brink of divorce, and sources close to the couple suggest that one contributing factor is Lopez’s struggle with “Love Addiction.”

TMZ’s new documentary on Hulu, *’JLo & Ben: Missed Warning Signs’*, features insights from experts like Dr. Phil, Dr. Drew, and psychotherapist Jen Mann, who discuss the multitude of challenges that doomed the relationship.

Notably, Jon Peters, the renowned producer behind films such as *”Flashdance“* and *”Prince of Tides”*, who has personal experience with high-profile relationships and addiction, claims Lopez exhibits signs of love addiction.

According to Peters, Lopez has a pattern of constantly needing a partner, a view supported by Dr. Drew, who confirms that love addiction is a legitimate condition.

Dr. Drew points out that Lopez’s relationship history reflects this pattern—falling deeply and quickly in love without taking necessary breaks for self-reflection.

The documentary highlights the critical importance of taking “alone time” after the end of a relationship to understand what went wrong and to prepare for future relationships.

However, Lopez has moved from one relationship to the next without such breaks, from Ojani Noa to Chris Judd, Marc Anthony, Alex Rodriguez, and now Ben Affleck, contributing to the instability of her romantic life.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Split Amid Her ‘Love Addiction’ Struggles

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