July 4, 2024
Kourtney Kardashian Admits to Having Sex with Travis Barker While Dilated to Kickstart Labor

Kourtney Kardashian Admits to Having Sex with Travis Barker While Dilated to Kickstart Labor

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker’s latest confession about their intimate life is sure to raise some eyebrows, even if their public displays of affection are well-known.

In Thursday’s episode of “The Kardashians,” Kourtney revealed that she and Travis had sex while she was already 3 centimeters dilated, in an effort to induce labor with their son, Rocky. According to the episode, Kourtney started feeling contractions on October 29, 2023.

The couple initially went to the hospital that evening when Kourtney was 2 centimeters dilated and experiencing light bleeding.

However, with labor not progressing overnight, they decided to return home and try to encourage labor naturally.

Kourtney shared, “We went home, ate at Crossroads, showered, slept in our bed, and then we had sex to get things going to see if that helps. That can help sometimes.”

She’s not alone in this belief; many moms and even some doctors suggest that sex can help induce labor due to the release of prostaglandins and oxytocin.

Earlier in the episode, Kourtney humorously referred to her vagina as Travis’s “favorite thing,” adding a personal touch to the shared experience.

Their intimate strategy appeared to work: they went back to the hospital on Halloween, and Kourtney went into active labor just before midnight, eventually giving birth to Rocky.

This candid revelation provides a glimpse into their efforts to hasten the arrival of their baby, blending humor with a touch of science as they navigated the final stages of pregnancy together.

Kourtney Kardashian Admits to Having Sex with Travis Barker While Dilated to Kickstart Labor

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