July 3, 2024
Kanye West's Company Faces Lawsuit Over 'New Slaves' Allegations - Bianca Caught Sending Porn to Staff

Kanye West’s Company Faces Lawsuit Over ‘New Slaves’ Allegations – Bianca Caught Sending Porn to Staff

Kanye West has been hit with a bombshell lawsuit alleging that an app created to promote his rap music fostered a racist environment and brutal work conditions.

The suit also claims that his wife, Bianca Censori, sent pornographic videos to staff, which were accessible by minors.

Filed in a U.S. District Court, the lawsuit names Kanye, also known as Ye, and his former chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, as defendants.

It accuses them of “forced labor and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment.” According to the complaint, Kanye and his team hired an international developer group that included several Black members and underage teens as young as 14 to work on the app.

The developers, who mostly worked remotely, were in constant communication with Ye, Milo, and their team through digital platforms like Discord, Zoom, and Slack.

In April 2024, the lawsuit states, Milo promised to pay the developer group $120,000 after the app’s completion if they agreed to the work conditions and refrained from complaining.

However, the situation quickly deteriorated. The suit alleges that Ye demanded all employees sign non-disclosure agreements, threatening to fire the minors and withhold their pay if they refused.

Additionally, minor developers were allegedly coerced into signing “volunteer” agreements. The white managers overseeing the foreign and minority workers reportedly used disparaging language, creating a hostile work environment.

In group chats, these managers allegedly harassed employees based on their age, race, gender, sexual orientation, and national origin. Some team members were derogatorily referred to as “slaves” or “new slaves.”

According to the lawsuit, Milo once sent a chat message with a Black/brown skin emoji to an African American team member and called a younger worker a “school shooter. The employees were also reportedly bullied into working long, unpaid hours, often through the night.

In late April, Ye announced the launch of an adult film business called “Yeezy Porn.” The lawsuit claims that Bianca sent a file-sharing link containing explicit content to one of the workers.

These pornographic videos were accessible by minors who were developing Ye’s porn app. Despite these allegations, Bianca is not named as a defendant.

On May 1, 2024, after a grueling rush to complete the app, the team presented Ye with a finished version of the app, though the lawsuit does not specify which app.

The lawsuit alleges that Ye and Milo failed to pay the employees for their hard work, leading to the filing of this legal action.

The plaintiffs are seeking damages for unpaid wages and overtime, as well as compensation for emotional distress.

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