July 4, 2024
Outrage as Man Brutally Attacked and Thrown in Gutter for Alleged Homosexuality in Nigeria

Outrage as Man Brutally Attacked and Thrown in Gutter for Alleged Homosexuality in Nigeria

A disturbing footage of a Nigerian man being violently assaulted in his neighborhood has ignited widespread outrage.

The footage, shared on social media platform X over the weekend, shows a group of young men publicly humiliating the individual, accusing him of homosexuality.

His hands were bound behind his back as he was paraded through the streets. The attackers repeatedly struck him on the head with planks, and some even shattered bottles over his head. At one point, someone suggested throwing him into a gutter, and the others promptly complied.

The man was then pushed into a filthy gutter, where the beating continued, leaving him in a state of distress and humiliation.

Outrage as Man Brutally Attacked and Thrown in Gutter for Alleged Homosexuality in Nigeria

Outraged viewers have condemned the attackers, criticizing the brutal and inhumane treatment of the man.

They highlighted the hypocrisy in the societal response, noting that rapists, murderers, pedophiles, domestic abusers, and corrupt politicians often escape such violent punishment, while consensual same-sex relationships are met with extreme violence and public shaming.

The video has sparked calls for justice and a reevaluation of societal attitudes towards homosexuality in Nigeria, emphasizing the need for humane treatment and legal protection for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Outrage as Man Brutally Attacked and Thrown in Gutter for Alleged Homosexuality in Nigeria

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