July 6, 2024
South African Woman Claims Ugandan Boyfriend Disappeared with N41 Million After Four Months of Dating

South African Woman Claims Ugandan Boyfriend Disappeared with N41 Million After Four Months of Dating

A South African woman, Jabu Nxumalo, has shared a harrowing account of how her Ugandan boyfriend, Joseph Ssekasi, disappeared with her R510,000 just four months after they met on Tinder last year.

Nxumalo, who was seeking a genuine relationship, met Ssekasi on the dating app where he introduced himself as Deron Mundari from South Sudan.

“He appeared sincere and respectful,” Nxumalo told IOL News, which is running a series on romance scams in South Africa.

She described how Ssekasi manipulated her into raising R500,000 through various banks, claiming it was for a mysterious scheme involving ancestral spirits and prayers.

Nxumalo handed over the money at his house in Brakpan, believing it was part of a legitimate plan. Ssekasi pretended to match her contribution with an additional R700,000.

Their relationship took a turn when Ssekasi announced a business trip to Limpopo. They continued to communicate, but Nxumalo’s messages suddenly went unanswered.

Her instincts told her to visit Ssekasi’s house, where she discovered a “house to let” sign, confirming her worst fears.

Realizing she had been scammed, Nxumalo reported the incident to the Boksburg police. Despite initial empathy from the constable, she faced discouragement when told the police could do little without knowing the scammer’s whereabouts. Nxumalo’s mental health deteriorated, leading to hospitalization due to suicidal thoughts.

During a follow-up meeting with a detective, Nxumalo was further disheartened by dismissive remarks from a sergeant, who suggested she should have given the money to her instead.

Despite this, Nxumalo has since dedicated herself to raising awareness about romance scams, advocating vigilance in new relationships to prevent others from falling victim.

The South African Police Service (SAPS) in Gauteng confirmed that the case is “temporarily closed” but will be reopened if new evidence emerges.

Lieutenant Colonel Mavela Masondo urged the public to report any sightings of Ssekasi to the nearest police station.

Nxumalo’s experience highlights the dangers of romance scams, emphasizing the importance of recognizing red flags such as early declarations of love and financial requests.

She advises women to be cautious, especially when a new partner shows excessive interest in their financial situation.

South African Woman Claims Ugandan Boyfriend Disappeared with N41 Million After Four Months of Dating

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