July 4, 2024
Morgan Freeman Condemns Black History Month - Says It Makes His “Teeth Itch”

Morgan Freeman Condemns Black History Month – Says It Makes His “Teeth Itch”

Morgan Freeman has reiterated his criticism of Black History Month, calling it a “deeply flawed concept” in a recent interview with *Variety*.

The Oscar-winning actor expressed strong disapproval of the annual observance, arguing that it undermines the importance of integrating Black history into American history as a whole.

Freeman, who has been vocal about his views on this topic before, said, “You are going to give me the shortest month in a year? And you are going to celebrate ‘my’ history?! This whole idea makes my teeth itch. It’s not right.”

He emphasized that Black history should be considered an integral part of American history rather than confined to a single month.

In his critique, Freeman highlighted the significance of understanding American history in its entirety, stating, “[American history is] the one thing in this world I am interested in, beyond making money, having a good time, and getting enough sleep.”

He underscored the need for a holistic approach to history that reflects the contributions and experiences of all Americans, rather than segregating them into designated months or categories.

Freeman’s comments continue to spark debate about the way historical narratives are framed and the effectiveness of dedicating a month to Black history.

His stance suggests a preference for a more integrated and continuous recognition of Black achievements and experiences within the broader context of American history.

Morgan Freeman Condemns Black History Month – Says It Makes His “Teeth Itch”

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